Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple, Kadiri.

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple is situated in Kadiri mandal, Ananthapur District. This temple is one of the prominent Narasimha Swamy temples of South India. The idol Laksmi Narasimha swamy is Swayabhu ( came itself out of earth) with Ashta Bahu (eight hands). The temple is constructed during the period of Vijayanagara empire. The name of the town Kadiri has got importance with the temple. First, in the name of Khadiri, "kha" means the foot of Vishnu and "Adri" means a Hill. Second, Kadiri is a type of wood and the dieties of the temple were made of this kadiri wood. Third, the deity was originally found under a Kadiri tree in the midst of jungle of Kadiri trees. The Kadiri Stalapurana contains 767 Slokas in 13 chapters and it was published by temple authorities. Acco...